Friday, April 15, 2011

o3: Neighbors

  When Anita was born, the duke had decided that city life was not family life. He uprooted his family, staff, horses, dogs, and even the minister, and set up a quiet country estate to live on. The death of his wife, however, changed him.
He began to frequent the cities again, traveling across the seas even-- anything to keep his mind off the emptiness in his soul.

    Anita was three.

    As soon as she was old enough, she began to take liberties of exploring. Having authority over her maids and governess(es), she would disappear for hours at a time, usually in the woods climbing trees or splashing around in a stream. The adventures she created for herself mimicked the stories her father would tell in the brief moments she could have with him.

    When she was six she learned to ride. Any of the stable boys could challenge her to a race and she could leave them all behind in her dust. When she was seven, she discovered the world outside of the estate. It was then that she met Jasper.

    Though Jasper’s family was also of nobility, very few families could compare to the Montgomerys. In the case of the D’uquettes, a family on the verge of bankruptcy, with not much more than a title and a few heirlooms to their name, the Montgomerys made them look like peasants. Needless to say, it did not please Lord Byron D’uquette who had made it his life’s work to appear far more wealthy than he was, when the family moved in just a couple miles down the road.


    Lord D’uquette, nearly Mr. D’uquette if he wasn’t careful, had spawned two sons: Jasper, who in his eyes was just about as useless as a lame horse, and the much younger Ewan; a boy who showed a fierce drive and determination from birth. The D’uquette household was run with an iron rod, with the elder son as the whipping boy. It was no surprise when Jasper turned out to be missing quite frequently.
word count: 298

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

o2: Richer

Reaching her destination, Anita reached into her bag and pulled out an apple covered in chocolate and candy. She tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulders and peered down at her friend who was just now gripping the first branch.
    “We’ve been over this a katrillion times. Being up in a tree is more of an adventure than just sitting down there on the ground.”

    “Yeah well we’ve been over this a katrillion times, Anita,” he grunted, pulling himself up, “katrillion isn’t a number.” 

    “It is if I want it to be.”

    When he finally swung his leg over the side of the branch she had delegated as ‘their spot’, Jasper held out his hand and she smacked a candy coated apple into it.

    “Do you ever get in trouble for playing with me?” she asked, smearing chocolate all over her small face as she took more of a bite than she could handle.

    “By who?”

    “I don’t know. Your father?”

    Jasper laughed. “My father doesn’t even know where I am unless I’m two feet in front of him. A distance I try my best not to come to, might I add. Besides, even if he did know I was here, he’d probably be happy I suppose.”

    “Is it because my family is richer than yours?”

    “Something like that, yeah.”

    Anita’s family was indeed quite a bit richer than Jasper’s. She was the sole heir to the Montgomery fortune. Her father, a duke, had worked his way up in society by being a good man, an honest man. He had married Anita’s mother not out of duty, but out of love, even after she had been shrouded in scandal; a false scandal.

    When Anita was born, the duke had decided that city life was not family life. He uprooted his family, staff, horses, dogs, and even the minister, and set up a quiet country estate to live on. The death of his wife, however, changed him.
word count: 286

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

o1: Anita & Jasper

One upon a time, a time long ago, in a world not so different from our own, lived two children who would grow into very interesting people. There was Anita, who was very boyish, and her dearest friend Jasper, who was not.

    Jasper Antoine D’uquette was, in fact, quite effeminate for a boy of his age. He had little interest in sport, instead choosing to fill his time with the forgotten romantic languages of another world: Italian and French. Neither of these would become useful to him as they were, well, forgotten and from another world.

    His clothes were meticulous. Spotless. This of course, could not be said of his female counterpart whose boots were constantly traipsing mud, and it was quite possible she didn’t own a single dress without at least seven tears.

    That was why, while Anita scurried up their favourite tree without a care in the world, Jasper removed all but his undergarments, folded them neatly, and set them in his pack so they would not be soiled when he was to return home for dinner.

    “You could at the very least wait for me, Anita!” he called up to her as he undid the laces of his boots, careful not to pull them too quickly and wear them out.

    “And what” she shot back, swinging her bag up onto the next branch, “would I do down there?”

    “I don’t know,” he replied “talk to me? What difference does it make if we’re down here or up there?”

    Reaching her destination, Anita reached into her bag and pulled out an apple covered in chocolate and candy. She tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulders and peered down at her friend who was just now gripping the first branch.
word count: 292

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Obligatory Intro Post

For any of you who are actually keeping up with all of my different blogs, God bless you. Seriously.

For any of you who are new to me, howdy! This blog is for entertainment purposes! Here is where I am going to share with you one of my stories. (Not Aiden & Luke. They're far too dear to me to put on the internet.) This is for Anita, Jasper & Ewan. I don't know exactly where I want to go with them yet, so you will all get to be with them on their journey. So that I don't overwhelm myself (I really have a lot going on right now hahaha), and mostly just for fun, no post will be any longer than 300 words in length. This is also for those 'non readers'. 300 words is next to nothing, so if ever you were interested in anything of mine but 'don't read', here it is for you.

I can't really sum up this story, and because I don't know where it's going to go, I'm not going to try. I will say that generally I enjoy using sensitive and graphic material, so here's my disclaimer for anyone who might get offended (though I'm not sure I have anything really shocking prepared for these guys).

So sit back and enjoy, or don't; it's up to you. I do hope you like it, but really this is just an exercise to get me back into the groove. I have a project with a friend that I really need to get started on.

Happy Reading!

:: Celeste